Release Post-Mortem

July 31, 2010
Stats, Updates

Everything went better than expected, one might say.

The only real issues that popped up were an immediate one, which was due to me being a total klutz and having forgotten to clear out a few tables, which caused the master server to disconnect any and every player after they had finished a game. There’s also currently an issue related to players leaving games, which will be fixed shortly, as well as a few minor client bugs (available loadout won’t refresh, unable to ready up) that might take a little while longer to fix until I can push a fixed version.

By popular request, I’ve added a list of achievements and ranks to Have fun trying to get some of them – I can be rather mean, at times!

All in all, I’m absolutely overwhelmed by the amount of players (or rather, by the amount of time you guys have poured into this already) with more than 1,200 matches finished in less than a day, and I’m very happy to see that people seem to be enjoying the game!

‘Til next time, and happy hunting! (108,106 seals and counting.)